Red Dead Redemption 2 mods/Apoltical RDR2

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Apoltical RDR2
Developer unknown
Latest version 1.0
Release date 2023-01-20

Description[edit | edit source]

Removes a series of NPC's and interactions that are pozzed in nature or meant to depict right wing people from the 19th century as moronic caricatures.

Also makes Lemoyne Raiders a generic gang instead of cartoonish ex confederates.


  • Klan rally
  • Saint Denis eugenicist
  • The infamous annoying feminist
  • Jeremiah Compson (mission still present, he's just silent and invisible.)
  • Mrs. Calhoun (other annoying suffragette at the Rhodes rally)

See readme for install. Requires LML

Download[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]
