Fallout 4 mods/More Attackers - Get Off My Buildzone

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More Attackers - Get Off My Buildzone
Developer wim95
Latest version 1.1.8
Release date 2020-09-23

Description[edit | edit source]

What this mod does:

  • Moves attack markers beyond the boundaries of settlements
  • Adds additional potential attack markers around the perimeter of settlements (Attack quest randomly selects three attack markers and spawn enemies at these attack markers. New attack again randomly selects three attack markers.)
  • Solves the problem with spawning enemies inside a settlement after fast travel
  • Unlinks attack markers from fast travel mat
  • Adds notifications to animals attacks
  • Adds notifications in mesage box (configurable)
  • Increases number of attackers (configurable)
  • Adds head tracking of attackers (configurable)
  • Increases time before attacks auto resolve (configurable from 24 to 8784 game hours)
  • Fixes dialogs after attacks
  • Adds DLCs creatures attacks (configurable)
  • Allows animals from cages attacks without build cages (configurable)

Settlements and additional attack markers:

  • Abernathy Farm: 3 vanilla + 10 new = 13 total
  • Boston Airport: 1 vanilla = 1 total
  • Bunker Hill: 3 vanilla = 3 total
  • Coastal Cottage: 3 vanilla + 6 new = 9 total
  • County Crossing: 3 vanilla + 3 new = 6 total
  • Covenant: 3 vanilla + 3 new = 6 total
  • Croup Manor: 2 vanilla + 4 new = 6 total
  • Dalton Farm: 1 vanilla + 4 new = 5 total
  • Echo Lake Lumber Mill: 1 vanilla + 5 new = 6 total
  • Egret Tours Marina: 2 vanilla + 6 new = 8 total
  • Finch Farm: 3 vanilla + 6 new = 9 total
  • Graygarden:3 vanilla + 6 new = 9 total
  • Greentop Nursery: 4 vanilla + 5 new = 9 total
  • Hangman's Alley: 2 vanilla = 2 total
  • Jamaica Plain: 3 vanilla = 3 total
  • Kingsport Lighthouse: 2 vanilla + 3 new = 5 total
  • Longfellow's Cabin: 1 vanilla = 1 total
  • Murkwater Construction Site: 1 vanilla + 7 new = 8 total
  • Nordhagen Beach: 4 vanilla + 1 new = 5 total
  • Nuka-World Red Rocket: 1 vanilla + 9 new = 10 total
  • Oberland Station: 4 vanilla + 3 new = 7 total
  • Outpost Zimonja: 3 vanilla + 4 new = 7 total
  • Red Rocket Truck Stop: 3 vanilla + 5 new = 8 total
  • Sanctuary Hills: 3 vanilla + 1 vanilla unused + 7 new = 11 total
  • Somerville Place: 1 vanilla + 8 new = 9 total
  • Spectacle Island: 4 vanilla + 7 new = 11 total
  • Starlight Drive-In: 3 vanilla + 10 new = 13 total
  • Sunshine Tidings Co-op: 3 vanilla + 7 new = 10 total
  • Taffington Boathouse: 3 vanilla + 2 new = 5 total
  • Tenpines Bluff: 3 vanilla + 5 new = 8 total
  • The Castle: 1 vanilla + 1 new = 2 total
  • The Mechanist's Lair: 2 vanilla = 2 total
  • The Slog: 3 vanilla + 4 new = 7 total
  • Vault 88: 4 vanilla = 4 total
  • Visitors Center: 3 vanilla + 8 new = 11 total
  • Warwick Homestead: 2 vanilla + 3 new = 5 total

About more attackers:

As an example (WorkshopSuperMutantAttack01), {WorkshopDeathclawAttack01 - Deathclaws is monsters himself}:

  • Additional group 1 - regular attackers. Up to 12 attackers. (8 supermuntants + 4 hounds), {5 deathclaws}.
  • Additional group 2 - regular attackers. Up to 12 attackers. (8 supermuntants + 4 hounds), {7 deathclaws}.
  • Additional group 3 - regular attackers with monsters. If no monsters adds regular attackers. Up to 8 attackers + 4 monsters. (8 supermuntants + 4 behemoths), {9 deathclaws}.
  • Additional group 4 - monsters. If no monsters adds regular attackers. Up to 6 monsters. (6 behemoths), {6 deathclaws}.
  • Initial group 0 (always enabled, is vanilla attackers) - regular attackers. Up to 12 attackers. (6 supermuntants + 3 hounds), {1 deathclaws}.

Total 5 groups. Up to 54 attackers. (30 supermuntants + 11 hounds + 10 behemoths), {28 deathclaws}.

The size of attackers army randomities in the scripts depending on the defence, food/water, attack strength and just random.

By default mod uses auto turn on groups of attackers depending on the player's level according to the formula: N + M*(n-1)

  • n - group number
  • N - level after which begins enabling groups
  • M - number of levels, after which will be enabled the next group

Default N=20, M=20 (N, M - configurable)

  • group 0 - always enabled (is vanilla attackers)
  • group 1 - auto enabled after level 20
  • group 2 - auto enabled after level 40
  • group 3 - auto enabled after level 60 (monsters here)
  • group 4 - auto enabled after level 80 (monsters here)

You can disable auto turn on groups and configure manually

MoreAGOMBz number of attackers

About frequency of attacks:

This mod counts attacks in vanilla way. The scripts running the attack has not touched. Frequency of attacks not touched. You think that attack was more because you never seen animal attacks (they auto resolved offscreen. Read here: More workshop attack nonsense), now you see them all.

I recommend to use Uncapped Settlement Surplus. There is configurable "Attack Reducer".


  • DLC Automatron
  • DLC Wasteland Workshop
  • DLC Far Harbor
  • DLC Vault-Tec Workshop
  • DLC Nuka-World
  • Mod Configuration Menu

Required to be uninstalled:

  • Settlement Attacks Beyond
  • Settlement Attacks Beyond - Far Harbor
  • Settlement Attacks Beyond - Nuka World
  • Attackers - Get Off My Buildzone

!!! Fasttravel-mat refresh, Scrap/store and place the mat again in these settlements:

  • Egret Tours Marina
  • Hangmans Alley
  • Outpost Zimonja
  • Taffington Boathouse

Known issues:

  • Note about Spectacle Island. I have not decided if this still an issue or needs improvement. Attack markers moved into the water. Sometimes enemies can get stuck underwater and drown. (Blub)

About game mechanics:

  • NPCs can warp over obstacles, especially if the player is further away. But attacks begin OUTSIDE the boundaries of your settlement. In my tests, the attackers walked around the wall to specially made holes in the wall (entrance). Except in very rare cases of warp over obstacles.
  • Synths can teleport. No teleporting when the player has never been to The Institute, OR The Institute is destroyed.


  • This mod edits several vanilla scripts. Most noticable: Data\Scripts\WorkshopAttackScript.pex
  • This mod edits WorkshopXAttack quests.

Patches and compatibility notes:

  • Extended settlements mods:
  • All Settlements Extended - patch included
  • All Settlements Extended - Far Harbor - patch included
  • All Settlements Extended - Player's Choice - patch included. Supported Nuka-World Red Rocket only
  • Build High - Expanded Settlements - patch included
  • Settlement expansion all in one V6.1 - patch included
  • Bigger Settlements - patch included. Supported all settlements version only
  • Clean and Simple - Settlement Startup - patch included. Supported AIO (All in One) version only

Other mods:

  • Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - patch included
  • BS Defence - patch included, but check load order and override LOOT
  • Shaikujin's Better warning for settlements being attacked - resolve by load order (Override LOOT)
  • Scrap Everything - resolve by load order
  • More Spawns - resolve by load order (Override LOOT)
  • Horizon v1.4.1 - compatible
  • Raider Overhaul WIP - compatible
  • Conquest - Build New Settlements and Camping - compatible, but attakers spawn on top of the workshop. Making compatibility patch failed. Need change Conquest scripts. Sources included in Conquest archive, but critical scripts not included.
  • No offscreen settlement attacks - Incompatible
  • Vanilla Raid Enhancement - Incompatible

Recommended Load order:

  • Better Settlement Defence.esp
  • Build High - Expanded Settlements.esp
  • CombinedExpansion4.1.esp
  • Bigger Settlements-Bigger 1.esp
  • Bigger Settlements-Bigger 1 same attack.esp
  • Bigger Settlements-Bigger 2.esp
  • Bigger Settlements-Bigger 2 same attack.esp
  • Bigger Settlements-height limit and spawn points.esp
  • Bigger Settlements-height limit only.esp
  • AllSetsExtended.esp
  • ASEFarHarbor.esp
  • NukaWorldRedRocketEx.esp
  • SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp
  • Clean and Simple - Settlement Startup.esp
  • MoreAGOMBz.esp
  • MoreSpawns_xxx.esp
  • MoreAGOMBz_CP_ASE.esp
  • MoreAGOMBz_CP_ASEFH.esp
  • MoreAGOMBz_CP_ASENW.esp
  • MoreAGOMBz_CP_BHES.esp
  • MoreAGOMBz_CP_SEx.esp
  • MoreAGOMBz_CP_BgrStl.esp
  • MoreAGOMBz_CP_CSSS.esp
  • Scrap Everything - xxx.esp
  • ScrapUpdate - xxx.esp

Or use LOOT.

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Screenshots[edit | edit source]

27465-0-1508665678.jpg 27465-1513002703-2142788689.jpg 27465-1513002725-1379776109.jpg 27465-1513002725-1511143525.jpg 27465-1513002731-2112202455.jpg 27465-1513002732-516481042.jpg 27465-1538713963-793346053.jpg