Far Cry Primal mods/Central Europe Fix

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Central Europe Fix
Developer anonymous
Latest version v1.3
Release date 2023-11-23

Description[edit | edit source]

Give lighter skin NPCs

In the exeption of Tensay, I did not find him in the game files.

To install:

  • Go where you'r game is installed
  • Open the data_win32 folder
  • Rename both patch.dat and patch.fat to patch_sound.dat and patch_sound.fat
  • Place the patch.dat and patch.fat of my mod in the data_win32 folder

To uninstall remove my mod, and give back it's original name to the patch_sound.dat and patch_sound.fat


  • Not compatible with mods editing the same files, obviously.
  • Not compatible with mods also using the patch files, unless you merge them together.

To merge the files you can use Duina Tools

  • Unpack the patch.fat of the other mod you want to use.
  • Take the files from the extra folder I have provided with my mod (It is the unpacked files that I edited.) and merge it with the files you extracted from the other mod.
  • Repack the newly merged folder.
  • Rename the .dat and .fat files you just packed to patch.dat and patch.fat
  • Install it as explained above.

Update v1.3

  • Fixed green spot on finger nail
  • Lighten some spot on the arm
  • Changed some hairs to blond & ginger

Download[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]
