Kingdom Hearts II mods/Proper Limit Text

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Proper Limit Text
Developer TopazTK
Latest version v1.00
Release date 2021-04-18

Description[edit | edit source]

This mod fixes text related to Limit Form to be consistent with other KH Games.

Currently, only English is supported. If Limit text is inconsistent in other languages, please reach out.


  • This mod is compatible with the American and European version of Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix, only if it's in English.
  • This mod requires either the external or the internal version of LuaBackend v0.6 or above.


There is nothing much to say, really:

  • Last Arcanum -> Ars Arcanum
  • Infinity -> Ragnarok
  • Sonic Rave -> Sonic Blade

Download[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

4Ok0sZp.jpg 6-1618715618-1207306381.jpg 6-1618715796-1092482794.jpg