Shin Megami Tensei V Mods/Cleopatra with Huge Boobs and No Skirt

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Cleopatra with Huge Boobs and No Skirt
Developer bloody11
Latest version 1.0
Release date 2021-12-04

Description[edit | edit source]

(Original description as is by bloody11)

Cleopatra with a body worthy of her legend, big breasts, thicc, no skirt.

I would love to do a nude version but I don't have the talent, the body and the clothes share texture but in different positions so it would not look good, with this I am satisfied for now.

- Added hyper-realistic version, this version has much more triangles where it matters and try to give it a realistic shape, the unique animation looks less triangular on the chest

- Added vanilla version without skirt

Mod tested on Yuzu, I don't know if it works with another emulator or switch.

Installation[edit | edit source]

Mod tested on Yuzu.

Download[edit | edit source]

Huge Boobs[edit | edit source]

Hyper-realistic[edit | edit source]

Vanilla No Skirt[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

Huge Boobs
No Skirt