Stellaris mods/The Space Reich

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The Space Reich
Developer anonymous
Latest version 1.0
Release date 2024-02-22

Description[edit | edit source]

Roleplay Humankind in a new light with 'The Space Reich'.

This mod does the following:

  • Adds a new prescripted empire called the 'German Reich', replacing all other Human prescripted empires
  • Portraits restricted to the single Caucasian portrait with its variants
  • Namelist edited to more accurately reflect a Caucasian only society with German dominance
  • Custom Human biography written in a way as to represent an alien's point of view on Humankind's history
  • Usage of the Third Reich's flag (be aware that this includes the 'Hooked Cross' so only use if such imagery is legal in your country)

This is all done to maintain a vanilla Stellaris experience, allowing this mod to be 100% IRONMAN and ACHIEVEMENT compatible.

This mod REQUIRES the Utopia DLC due to the 'Fanatic Purifiers' civic used by the new empire.

  • To use, extract the archive's contents into your 'mod' folder found in your 'Paradox Interactive' folder that's in your 'Documents' directory. If no such folder exists, create it then extract. 7z is required for extraction.

Download[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]
